Middle and Senior School

The BCC Middle and Senior School provides students with challenging learning experiences and the emotional support appropriate for this unique stage of their lives. During these formative years, students' abilities and interests are nurtured in a caring community. A comprehensive academic, co-curricular and wellbeing program supports the intellectual, emotional, social, physical and spiritual growth of every student.

Middle and Senior Subject Offerings

Middle School

Students in Year 7, 8 and 9 experience significant physical, emotional and spiritual growth. They will autonomously develop independence and an ever-growing sphere of influence. At the same time, these students are asking deep questions like: Who am I? Where do I belong? In order to guide and support this rapid growth, the Middle School students enjoy a secure, supportive environment, necessary to identify their God-given gifts, explore a large variety of subject areas, and to develop their individual identity.

The Middle Years program is established and grounded on the principles of a Christian worldview, with relationships identified as the heart of the experience through which all learning is expressed and finds meaning. The program specifically addresses literacy and numeracy skills, personal responsibility, creativity and resilience. The Middle Years Program provides a smooth progression for students from the Junior School context to the Secondary phase of learning and prepares them to successfully navigate their teenage years.

Senior School

The Senior School is a dynamic and energetic environment that caters for Year 10, 11 and 12 students on the same P-12 campus. The Senior School Program promotes the strengthening of friendships, preparation for the workforce and tertiary education and the ever deepening understanding of the complexities of life beyond school. 

We recognise that graduates of BCC will be required to engage with diverse and rapidly changing work environments, perhaps participating in jobs that don’t yet exist. We therefore believe virtues such as critical thinking, resilience, discernment, respect, integrity, servanthood and excellence are imperative for the Senior School graduate. 

As students enter Year 10 they are encouraged to adopt a more focussed approach towards their learning and make significant decisions about the shape of their final years of schooling. They do so by taking greater responsibility for their learning, participate in work experience and engage with subjects that reflect those in Year 11 and 12. 

Year 11 and 12 students engage with increasingly complex activities and concepts, employ study skills gained through nationally-recognised study skills seminars, and take responsibility for leading the College and stewarding the culture of the student cohort. They fulfill many significant leadership roles and confidently role model for the Middle and Junior School students.

A Senior School student understands what it means to be a loyal and trusted member of their community and to sensitively engage with his or her culture. BCC Senior School students are renowned for being self-disciplined, mature and valuable citizens within the digital, global, and local communities.

Preparing for Life Beyond School

Selecting subjects for the Senior phase of learning can be a daunting and complex process. At BCC we believe that it doesn’t have to be. Year 10 students are carefully guided through a series of activities in order to choose the subjects that will best prepare them for future study or employment, minimise the stress associated with choosing subjects and maximise the opportunity for success in the final two years of schooling.  

Every Year 10 student at BCC will complete a Senior Education and Training (SET) Plan. The plan encourages students to think about their future, consider their gifts and passions and investigate their options for careers and further education. 

Specialist teachers from various disciplines across the College present the many subject offerings for students to choose from, our trained Vocational Education and Careers Coordinator speaks with students and all Year 10 students are invited to participate in work experience prior to making these important decisions for Year 11 and 12. 

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