Middle and Senior School Co-Curricular
We all know that learning is not limited to the classroom environment, that is why we offer a large range of sporting, musical, cultural and agricultural opportunities before, during and after school hours. Co-curricular activities Middle and Senior students are encouraged to involve themselves in all aspects of the life of the College.
Our sports program offers both intra-school and inter-school sporting opportunities. School based, inter-house competition finds a healthy balance between friendly low-stakes participation and fierce competition during carnivals (swimming, cross country and athletics). The College also competes in interschool events within Bundaberg District Secondary School Sport, entering teams in such sports as cricket, touch, surfing, football, rugby union, table tennis, netball and basketball. Our teams also contest the district carnivals for swimming, cross country and athletics, the Wide Bay Carnival for surf-lifesaving, and students have the opportunity to be selected for Bundaberg, Wide Bay and Queensland Schools Teams for a wide range of sports.

Our award-winning Music program is one of the most comprehensive in the region. Students delight in performing to a variety of audiences throughout the year and develop strong friendships through the program. Students wishing to take private instrumental and voice lessons can do so on-campus.

Hoof ‘n’ Hook
The College Hoof 'n' Hook program allows students from Years 7 to 12 to train, groom, and show cattle, as well as practice live cattle evaluation and judging. Our Hoof ‘n’ Hook program is renowned for producing high-performing judges and handlers. The College has also enjoyed significant success in the show ring with its own cattle, prepared by students of the College. Hoof ‘n’ Hook students attain great satisfaction and benefits from working with animals.

BCC Photography Club
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of the BCC Photography Club is to provide a supportive environment for interested photography students to share their creativity, knowledge and passion for photography whist attending the Bundaberg Christian College. Open to Senior Students (Years 10-12 only) as an extra-curricular activity, the club will hold regular meetings and discussions as well as events such as; photo-walks, excursions and where possible workshops by visiting artists.