At Bundaberg Christian College we understand that a healthy diet plays an important part in the learning process. We aim to provide healthy diverse options to encourage healthy bodies and healthy minds.
Order Online
Rise Café offers online ordering through FlexiSchools. You can click on this link “How to order online through FlexiSchools” to follow a step by step guide to register using FlexiSchools. Note that ordering cut off time is 8:30am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during school term.
Our suggestion is for you to direct deposit to your FlexiSchools account, as this is FREE. This account is used as a whole of school and not just for Rise Café.
Order at RISE Cafe
- All BAG orders need to be written up on a bag large enough for your child's lunch.
- A separate bag must be written for each child and for each lunch break.
- Clearly mark your child’s name, class, the order required, and total amount.
- NO staples or sticky tape please.
- Bag orders need to be handed in by 8:40am
Prep-Year 6
These orders can be placed in the black tuckshop box located on the wall, left of the Junior School Reception door.
Years 7-12
These orders can be placed in the GREEN tuckshop box located on the counter at the cafe.
Rise Cafe has been created to bring high quality food and beverage to the students and staff - encouraging healthier food options that will promote the wellbeing of our school community.
Birthday Orders
To help celebrate your child's birthday, you can now conveniently order a Birthday Bucket or Cupcakes
Birthday Bucket
Order a bucket of Zooper Doopers at only 50c per iceblock.
- Same day orders are welcome!
- Orders close 8:45 am
- Orders and Payment to be made at the Rise Cafe (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) or Secondhand Uniform shop (Tuesday and Thursday)
Birthday Cupcake
Order Birthday cupcakes for your child's class and we'll take care of the rest.
- Orders close 1 week before required date.
- Flavours available in Chocolate or Vanilla
- Your choice of icing colour
Download and complete the Birthday Cupcake order form and return to either the RISE Cafe on tuck shop days or through the box in Lower Primary with payment at least 5 days prior to needing the cupcakes. Parents can pay at the Cafe using EFTPOS if preferred.
Note that this option is not available through Flexischools.

Volunteers - Join Us!
Can you spare a couple of hours or more, weekly, fortnightly or monthly? Come and meet new parents and enjoy some friendship and laughs.