Vocational Pathway

The Vocational Pathway is advocated for students who desire to enter the workforce or who wish to engage in further training immediately after completing their schooling. These students will choose fewer than five QCAA Authority Subjects and may engage with vocational education and training opportunities to supplement their selected subjects.

School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SATs)

Some students, interested in pursuing careers in trades or service related industries, may wish to take up the option of undertaking a School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship. This pathway allows students to study four days each week on a reduced load of five subjects. The additional day is spent in the workplace, where students have the opportunity to gain valuable industry based experience. Students also work towards completing a nationally-recognised qualification which serves the dual purpose of enhancing the student's resume as well as reducing the amount of time required to complete post Year 12 studies. This pathway also provides opportunities for employers, with Work Experience and SAT students providing an alternative to standard recruitment methods.

Vocational Education

Vocational Education courses may be undertaken by students participating in either ATAR or Rank pathways. These nationally recognised courses are incorporated into a number of subjects available at the College, and cover areas including Business, Fitness, Engineering Pathways, and Christian Ministry. Vocational qualifications provide students with valuable points towards their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).

Certificate III in Business

This Certificate provides students in Year 11 and 12 with high level business skills and the opportunity to work towards completing a nationally-recognised qualification. The program provides a stand-alone rank from QTAC of 68 (which is currently an ATAR equivalent of 63.15) as well as 8 points of core towards the QCE. It also forms the foundation to move directly into a Diploma at TAFE on completion of Year 12.

Certificate III in Fitness

This Certificate provides students in Year 11 and 12 with high level fitness skills and the opportunity to work towards completing a nationally-recognised qualification. The program provides a stand-alone rank from QTAC of 68 (which is currently an ATAR equivalent of 63.15) as well as 8 points of core towards the QCE. It also forms the foundation to move directly into a Diploma at TAFE on completion of Year 12.

Certificate II in Engineering Pathways

This Certificate provides students in Year 11 and 12 with high level engineering skills and the opportunity to work towards completing a nationally-recognised qualification. The program provides a stand-alone rank from QTAC of 68 (which is currently an OP equivalent of 16) as well as 8 points of core towards the QCE.

Certificate III in Christian Ministry & Theology

This Certificate provides students in Year 11 and 12 with high level skills in Christian Ministry and the opportunity to work towards completing a nationally-recognised qualification. The program provides a stand-alone rank from QTAC of 68 (which is currently an OP equivalent of 16) as well as 8 points of core towards the QCE. It also forms the foundation to move directly into a Diploma at TAFE on completion of Year 12.

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