Prep - Year 3
Laying the foundations for life-long learning...
The early years of Junior School lay the foundations for life-long learning. BCC Prep is available for children who turn 5 by June 30 in the year they start school. Through hands-on and formal learning experiences, students engage with the Australian Curriculum through literacy and numeracy learning experiences, developing a solid foundation for future success. Christian values are an integral part of the students’ day, beginning with prayer and devotions and infused throughout every facet of the curriculum. Each Prep class has a fulltime teacher’s aide to support the learning program offered.
In Years P-3, Christian teachers and support staff use intentional, research-based best practice to ensure our young people are provided with an exceptional foundation to their formal education. All of our P-3 classrooms are air-conditioned, helping to provide a comfortable and productive learning environment all year round. Teachers take a multimodal approach to teaching and learning. They make provision for every student through a range of differentiation strategies. Specialist teaching staff, including Health and Physical Education, Music, Library, and at times Agricultural Science staff, provides specific expertise to value add to the learning environment. Students access the Sustainability Precinct to experience chicken raising, the Sensory Garden, garden fresh vegetables and fruit, and study indigenous food flora species.
While each child is focused on developing a deep understanding of literacy and numeracy, they learn contemporary IT skills, grow in their knowledge of the arts, develop lifelong health and physical education skills and understandings, and importantly, grow in Christian moral character which equips them with core values for lifelong success.