Welcome to the 2023 school year!
A big welcome to the 2023 school year from our College Principal, Mr Paul Thompson:
"It’s been so wonderful to see our students return to school this week.
I’d like to extend a warm welcome to all our new students and their families joining us this year. Including our preps and year sevens.
At BCC, we expect all our students to give their best and strive for excellence in everything they do. Thank you to our parents for supporting what we do here at the College. We’re looking forward to working with you to see your child grow and flourish in 2023.
This year there is much to look forward to. We’ll begin work on our new sports center, the refurbishment of our middle/senior science labs, and continue to improve our car parking and bus bays.
We’re also focusing on building our community. Together with our Parents and Friends Association, there’s lots planned for 2023, including our incredible BCC Festival on the 9th of September.
And finally, our verse of the year Micah 6:8 encourages us to act justly, to love faithfulness and to live obediently before God. I pray that this year, we would learn what it truly means to love and serve others.
Bundaberg Christian College—let’s have a great year and make the most of every day."