Japanese exchange student visit

College Thursday, 08 Aug 2024

BCC has enjoyed hosting 12 Japanese exchange students and 4 staff from Jinsekikogen Junior High School, Sanwa Junior High School and Yuki High School.

Our exchange students have been warmly welcomed by BCC students, teachers and host families, and have enjoyed a full program of lessons, activities and excursions, and experienced what life is like in an Australian school.

A highlight of their time has been their ‘official’ welcome assembly, where our exchange students enjoyed whip cracking, the BCC War Cry and a chance to introduce themselves and their hometown of Jinsekkikogen.

BCC Middle and Senior School students have also enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about the Japanese culture, practice their language skills and make new friends.

A big thank you to our host families who have opened their homes and those students who have been a ‘buddy’ and made our guests feel at home at BCC.

Later this term, a group of BCC students are looking forward to their own Japanese trip.

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