A great start to the 2024 school year

College Wednesday, 31 Jan 2024

It may have been a hot and humid start to the 2024 school year, but that didn’t curb the enthusiasm and energy of our BCC students who were excited to connect with their friends and teachers.

From our Prep students who nervously stepped into their classrooms for the first time, to our returning students who were eager to begin their learning, it was such a joy to welcome our BCC community back for the beginning of Term 1.

BCC Principal Mr Paul Thompson said he was delighted to welcome new and returning students and their families.

“Our students are engaging with their teachers, building connections with their peers, settling into their routines and have jumped straight into their learning.” Mr Thompson said.

"It's also been exciting to welcome new teaching and support staff across the College, including our New Head of Junior School Mr Chris Mallett, our Business Manager Mr Mark Walsh who commenced late last year, and our new Deputy Principal Mr Brendan Hosking, who steps into this newly created position for 2024.

“2024 is gearing up to be a blessed year as a learning community.”

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