2024 Hoof n Hook and Sports Awards Evening

Sport Wednesday, 16 Oct 2024

The 2024 Sports and Hoof n Hook Awards Evening was an inspirational celebration of our students' accomplishments and hard work throughout the year.

The awards evening not only honoured success and personal bests but recognised the dedication, perseverance and team spirit that underpins the BCC Sporting and Hoof n Hook programs.

Hoof n Hook 2024 highlights

Hoof 'n' Hook Highlights: the BCC Hoof 'n' Hook team had a remarkable year, competing in 8 events, including the prestigious BEEF 2024 in Rockhampton. The team’s highlights include BCC Knucklehead and BCC Sole Option placing second in their classes in the BEEF Led Steers competition and the team's victory at Fraser Coast and Wondai, where they won Champion School titles.

The team also ventured to EKKA in Brisbane, competing in the Interschool Team Cattle Judging event and placing second, marking a new milestone.

Hoof n Hook major award winners:

Middle School Handler of the Year: Maddox Forman

Middle School Judge of the Year: Maddox Forman

Senior School Handler of the Year: Grace Hughes

Senior School Judge of the Year: Grace Hughes

Most Valuable Team Member: Amity Nimmo

Hall of Fame Inductees: Keilan Donnell, Jay Hobson, Gabriel Plowman, and Grace Hughes

Sport 2024 highlights

In 2024, the BCC sports program flourished with 18 teams and 16 development squads, encompassing 286 students from Year 5 to Year 12, with many participating in multiple sports. The growth of the program is a testament to the students' passion and the tireless efforts of their coaches, teachers, and parents. Students also represented the College at higher levels, with 28 making it to Bundaberg teams and 17 to Wide Bay representatives.

Major sports award winners:

Team of the Year (Middle & Senior School): Year 9/10 Boys Volleyball

Equestrian Team Most Valued Team Member: Mia Elvery

Sports Director’s Award for Effort:
Junior School – Kayden Lloyd, Emme Rub
Middle School – Declan Roberts, Lilly Parchert
Senior School – Oliver Perry, Zoe Petersen

Most Improved Sportsperson Award:
Junior School – Felix Joseph, Mary Marsman
Middle School – Cruz Marschke, Maci Raines
Senior School – Ethan Lambert, Hailey Horchner

Sportsperson of the Year:
Junior School Sports Girl – Ava Nieuwoudt
Junior School Sports Boy – Lewis O’Brien
Middle School Sports Girl – Bethany Marsman
Middle School Sports Boy – Jed Garvie
Senior School Sportswoman – Layla Fulton
Senior School Sportsman – Levi Marsman

BCC Coach of the Year: Mrs Karen Macpherson

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